
[00:00:00] hi casters. You were in for such a treat today. I have a special guest who is Audra gold, the co-founder and CEO of verbal, a platform for audio and for podcasters. So welcome Audra. And tell us what about verbal? What is verbal and how does it benefit tide casters. Great. Yeah. So thank you for having me.

I’m so happy to be here and it’s good to see you again, Tracy, and talk to you again. So, um, yeah, so verbal is an audio streaming platform. We stream all types of audio, including user-generated audio. We have podcasters on the platform. We have educators, we have speakers, we have audio books. So it’s really a platform where you could find anything and everything in the audio universe.

And, and when I say user-generated, that means you can. Upload your own [00:01:00] content, your own, you know, if you have audio just that you, maybe you have a two minute, you know, little riff that you did a joke or, uh, some thoughts on, on an event, you can just upload that right. Straight away to your station. And you know, a lot like YouTube, we have stations for every user.

So every single person, every single member can. Create, you know, join them, join the platform, get a station. If you have a podcast, we take, we can take your podcast and we turn it into an audio station. So you’ve instantly got a whole, you basically program station just right away. And you can add additional audio to that.

So. You’re not, you know, you can have your podcasts that you produce. You might want to add some funny, you know, jokes you were telling with your family the night before you might want to record an event you’re at and talk about that. So you can really mix and match all types of audio. And then also as a member, you can subscribe to other stations.

People can subscribe to your station, you can follow playlist.

[00:02:00] We have a lot of curators creating topic based or theme based playlists a lot like you might see on Spotify. So we do playlists for meditation to go to before bed meditation. When you wake up and we’ll we’ll program, we’ll take bits and pieces of people that create meditation.

We might take some podcasters that focus on meditation. And what we do is we mix and match all of these. Different sources of meditation content in this example, and then people who are just looking for meditation, have a place to come. They can discover you if your meditation content is in there. If you’re a podcast you’re creating meditation content, and then they can then learn about you and ended up subscribing to you and consuming a lot more of your audio.

And so we do that across 40 categories, hundreds of sub categories, we create, you know, all types of, of different experiences for, for people looking to be entertained or inspired or educated in audio format. Well, when we first connected the program was in beta and now it’s

[00:03:00] up and running. What are you thinking about the growth so far?

Are you excited about the response that you’ve gotten? Yeah, so we launched just about two months ago into beta and we launched on web only, which seems strange to some people because we are an audio platform and we recognize that people consume audio typically on the go in their car, on a walk when they’re working out, you know, around the house, things like that.

So when we did launch in web first, so that we could get all of our content indexed in Google, get all of the podcasters in the creators, on the platform, everyone who wants to participate and be a part of it. And that we’re doing all of this in beta before we really go big with marketing because we want, you know, we want everyone to, especially the creators.

We want them to learn the platform. We want them to be putting their best foot forward. As we launch into the greater general public. And when we go into full launch, which will be in about a month, we’re going to have our mobile apps launched. Uh, at that time we’re building desktop downloadable apps.

We’re going to be

[00:04:00] building connected TV apps, and we’re going to be building, um, in home. So, so, you know, talking to Alexa, you’ll be able to get your verbal content and talking to Google assistant, you’ll be able to listen to verbal. So we’re going to be everywhere, but, but we are in web. And even with just web, we started inviting.

Podcasters. We now have about 8,000 podcasters that have claimed their stations and are actively programming, setting up their stations. They’re starting to tweet and make playlists. And one of the unique things that creators have been able to do on the platform that they can’t do on other plate, in other places like Spotify or Apple or stitchers, we give you a tool called a snipping tool.

And this allows you to take your hour long podcast or two hour long podcast. You could easily snip out a little piece of it. Say a really great one minute segment that you can then share out on social to promote your full episode. Likewise, your, your audience can come onto the platform and say, I love this part of this podcast.

This is so funny. Take their favorite [00:05:00] little five minute discussion and share that out on social. And now all of a sudden you’re giving tools to your audience and your fans to help you promote your audio. So, you know, We’re really trying to help audio creators, not only, you know, bring their audience onto verbal and communicate with them by a snippets and even like short, you know, short form.

Maybe they want to do some produced audio by other podcasting, you know, title, and then they might just want to talk to their audience, like on a weekly or daily basis, they might just. Want to be in connect connected to their audience every day. And we make it very easy for people to upload and publish audio.

And then your subscribers will get notified every time you add a new piece of audio, new episode, whatever it is we’ll, we’ll email your audience and tell them, Hey. Um, you know, the podcast, this podcast you love, let’s say, you know, the snow podcast, since I’m in the mountains, um, I passed that you love has just uploaded a new episode, check it out now.

And so we are helping you keep your [00:06:00] audience, you know, coming back and staying engaged. So, so yeah, so with the 8,000 podcasters we’ve had. Great, you know, a lot of excitement and a lot of activity, but we also have a lot of other non podcasters that have come on that are just listeners and they’re looking for content and we’re in.

So we’re starting to see a lot of activity around subscriptions of, you know, popular podcasts and even not so popular podcasts. We’ve had some very unknown podcasters come on the platform, start tweeting about it and putting it on Facebook. We put our whole social media team behind it. Every time someone.

You know, claims and really get once us, once, you know, our help, we help promote them. And so we’ve been able to help some of these lesser known podcasters get some recognition and, you know, and we’re helping them get found. We’re helping them get indexed in Google. We’re helping them to improve their SEO and to improve their share-ability.

And so. So, yeah, we’re just kind of handholding all these early creators and we have hundreds of thousands of listeners now, and this is before we’ve even marketed. So we have not even done any paid marketing. This is all organic. It’s just word of [00:07:00] mouth. And, you know, through some social media posting and efforts we’ve been in, like I said, inviting some podcasters we’ve really.

Started to grow very fast. And so we’re, we’re encouraging everyone, you know, that wants to get involved early on the ground floor, come in now, because this is when we can hand hold you the most and really help you shine. Um, as we grow into millions and millions of users over the next year. So, well, what I think is so brilliant about what you’re doing is that.

There are lots of resources and things out there to help Hyde casters get started and actually logistically launch their podcast. But over the last five years of being so entrenched in this industry, the biggest questions, challenges, frustrations, that a lot of podcasts are space is exactly the problem that you’re solving, which is marketing and distribution.

And it sounds to me like that you. It’s almost like you were inside the pod-casters mind when you’re conceiving of this concept, [00:08:00] because it’s such a great solution-based platform. You have this snippable elements to share. You have the audience that you can curate playlist. You have the ability to promote them via social media and you haven’t even gotten started yet.

So that is. So w you know, in that vein of, you know, how did you create this, this brilliant formula for audio creators? How did the concept of verbal began? How, where did it start and how did you come to, to birth this baby? So to speak? Well, I, so, so first and foremost, I am a huge consumer of audio I have for years.

I mean, people say I’m a freak because. I will listen to audio books like a mad woman, you know, I consume, I probably, I, you should see my audible library. It’s insane. I got really obsessed with audio because I’m from LA I commute. I’m in my car a lot. I depend [00:09:00] on audio for entertainment learning. I’ve done all sorts of language, learning through audio.

You know, I do a lot in my car with, with audio and so. So I, so I’m the typical, you know, listener switching between 10 different apps. I was probably paying for six of them, you know, between my streaming radio and my S my music apps and my book apps. And I crazy because, you know, when I wanted to go find something that it wasn’t top of mine, where I didn’t have a title in mind or.

Or a theme. And, you know, as a specific podcast in mind, I was finding it very difficult to be on the go and very quickly find something. And so, so I recognize that as, as a listener, I was like, Why can’t I just go to one place on the internet to find the, kind of like everything that’s going on in audio.

See, what’s popular across all categories, not just in the podcasting space, not just in the book space, not just in the music space. I want a roll up. What are people doing with audio? What’s trending, what’s going viral. Like what, why, why can’t I do that as a listener? So, so that was [00:10:00] my kind of number one pain point.

And then I, and then I started looking at it from the other perspective, like, well, geez, these poor creators, like. When I’m searching for a podcast, I don’t know where to go. I have to go ask a friend, like, what should I be listening to? Because who knows? There’s 200 podcasts apps, all of them with these, you know, similar trending kind of algorithms with, you know, I just being shown the same 20 podcasts in every category.

That’s not good enough. That’s not, you know, I, that doesn’t tell me anything. Really. What about the hundreds of thousands of other podcasters talking about things that I probably would love to be hearing, but I can’t find them. Right. So we really started digging in on the podcaster and the creator side and trying to understand a lot more of like what they were really going through and how were they actually getting discovered?

You know, if they’re not Amy Schumer or Joe Rogan, what do you do exactly? Right, right. Media house behind you. I heart you, hasn’t given you a contract and promoting, not promoting the heck out of you. What do you do? [00:11:00] So, so you know that, so that’s. Let we dove into a lot of communities online. We went into the Reddit podcast or communities.

We went in to lots of Facebook groups. We just started talking. I mean, you know, Paul, Paul must have talked to a thousand different podcast publishers. And I mean, we just really listen. We, we spent months listening to what the biggest pain points were and in a lot of the problems that I heard were problems that I’ve heard in my past.

So my past I’ve I’ve, I’m from video. So. I grew up, you know, I grew up my career has been all around streaming video for the most part. And in the early two thousands, I was on teams where we were basically creating formulas for how to make video go viral. And we were right there. I was at a company that was kind of neck and neck with YouTube and, you know, Obviously YouTube, YouTube one, but, uh, you know, we, we were a big, we were very focused on viral videos specifically, and we had, you know, a 1.5 billion reach.

So I got to see a lot of user activity around how people [00:12:00] consumed and found video. And what made a piece of video compelling and what made more people subscribed to it. We also launched many channels on YouTube, so I’m very familiar with the YouTube ecosystem. And I saw a lot of up and comers, you know, figure out how to.

Find their audience really well by leveraging SEO and driving them to their YouTube station, leveraging collaboration with other creators on YouTube, right? So you would bring one person with a a hundred thousand audience, another person with a hundred thousand audience. You bring them together, you collaborate.

And then you link out to each other’s state stations or channels in the case of YouTube and all of a sudden you’ve doubled your audience. Right? So there’s a lot of tricks that I saw and that we used to use in YouTube that, that helped. Great creators find audience. And so I noticed there was nothing like that in the audio space.

Like why aren’t there more ways for one to bring all of your audio audience to one place, and then you brought up, people have bringing all of their audience into one place. Well, I can tell you it’s a hundred times easier to share audience when you’ve [00:13:00] got everyone coexisting in one ecosystem. And so that’s why we recognize that we need one place for audio to start.

And so. You know, that’s obviously a big task because when you look at the world of podcasting, you’ve got podcasts, aggregators, you know, in the thousands around the world, right. They’re just sucking up. RSS feeds. Your content is going out everywhere. You have no control over it. Other than what the metadata you put in your RSS feed.

So we’re like, you know what, that model to us like doesn’t scale long-term. And as we see more and more creators coming into the podcasting universe, they’re just getting buried and it’s only getting more and more difficult to be discovered. So we said, you know what? Let’s try to get everyone all in this one place.

Build a critical mass on verbal we’ll stream your content. We’re not going to charge you for it. You don’t have to pay your podcast hosts anymore. We’ll stream it for you. We’ll give you an opportunity to monetize. We have a whole ad network set up so that we can turn on programmatic advertising. The minute you become successful enough to [00:14:00] qualify, meaning as soon as you have enough.

Streams of your content. It works very much like the YouTube program for you tubers get enough streams, get enough followers, you know, subscribers, and we will monetize the heck out of your content. And we’re going to share that money with you. We’re going to go out and sell those ads. We’re going to deliver those ads.

We’re going to take care of that whole headache. You just do what you do best, which is create great audio and entertain your audience. So we just want to give you all the tools to be able to do that and leave. The rest to us essentially. And so when you say, well, what tools are you giving me to help create better audio?

Well, maybe that’s exactly what I was going to ask you. We’re giving you the ability again, with these snippets. I cannot emphasize enough how much we think these snippets are going to be such an important part of, of the audio ecosystem, you know, in the, in the coming years, because what snippets are is a one.

They turn long form into short form, that short form. And we talk about this a lot in video, short form is,

[00:15:00] is what you need to get a lot of eyeballs, a lot of awareness, right? So, because everyone discovers for the most part, people discover content on search engines and on social media, you know, and then of course there’s a whole word of mouth, like piece of that, but that’s, I’m not going to focus on that right now.

So, so when you think about discoverability on the vast majority of how people are coming to you. Through social and through search. Well, guess what gets the most attention in social it’s short form. Nobody’s clicking on their Twitter feed and listening to an hour long podcast and their Twitter feed. If they see that you’re sharing an hour long piece of content, they’re going to skip right over it.

So what work or Jean creators to do is take that 32nd killer bit. Get a million people to click play on that thing. And guess what? At least 50,000 of those people are going to say, you know what? I want to hear the rest of that. That’s great. And now you’ve driven 50,000 people to your full episode in a way that you just never could have in the traditional, you know, promotional, you know, mechanisms that you’re given [00:16:00] on the, you know, the apples and the Spotify as he was like, just share out the whole episode, like share the whole episode.

No, that doesn’t really work. And, and we learned that video already. So, so we encourage the snipping to get. Broad awareness, broad distribution, get a lot of clicks on that short form. So everyone could at least hear a little bit of you, and then you drive them back to your full episodes and really get them, you know, that’s how you find your new fans.

You know, you tease them with something great and get them in. So we’re giving people that we’re giving an fans can do it. Like I said, you know, before fans can actually go promote for you because now they can take their favorite parts and share them. And then you can go back as the creator and look at what’s being sniffed by your fans.

Now, all of a sudden you’re getting a feedback loop of people telling you the parts of the, your episode. They loved because they’re snipping them. Or they might be snipping on because they don’t like what you said, or there’s something controversial and they want to respond to that little piece of that conversation.

And so all of these snippets actually appear on your episode, page on verbal. And so you can start to see real [00:17:00] trends around what is my audience responding to? What are they liking? What aren’t they liking? So that’s just one feedback loop we’re giving you secondarily to that. We’re going to, we haven’t exposed this yet.

We have these things on the backend, but we have really rich analytics. That you’re going to be able to see around audio, your audio consumption. So great today in the podcast world. What do you know? Oh, you know, someone clicked a download. Great. Now what, what happened after that? Well, you know what, somebody might’ve had downloaded it and never even opened it because Apple, you know, if you click follow and Apple they’re automatically downloading stuff, I don’t even listen to 90% of what Apple is downloading, you know, in my podcast and my Apple pie.

We have all these false signals of success. In podcasting where we’re relying on this download number that is really at the end of the day, quite meaningless and it’s especially meaningless for smaller, right. 5,000 downloads versus 50,000. Well, really what I care about [00:18:00] as one, a creator are people listening, how much are they listening as a brand?

I also care to know. If I’m buying into this download, you know, metric, how do I know that you’re actually hearing my ad? I mean, I, I don’t know anything more than like that an app downloaded, you know, the content. So, so now we’re turning, you know, all of these podcasts into streaming, you know, they’re streamed in real time.

So we can now tell you not, not who downloaded. It will tell you who clicked to play. We’ll tell you how, how many people got 25% through how many people got 50% through how many people got 75 and now you can start to see like where you’re losing people, right? Like, Oh wow. This episode. Twenty-five percent of the people, you know, clicked play and then they bounced.

They didn’t even make it to 25%. Well, maybe my opening isn’t so great. Maybe I need to work on a compelling opening. Right. And so you’re going to start to get these signals that we can also expose to you when are most people bouncing. And so now you might see, Oh my God, I’m losing the vast [00:19:00] majority of people around minute 15.

Let me go see what’s going on at minute 15 and see how I can not do that. Right. I don’t want to, you know, how do I improve or keep people engaged longer? And these are the kinds of signals that one YouTubers get right to know, like how to make a great YouTube video. We want to give the same types of signals to audio creators and you know, a lot of what we’ve learned.

You know, I spent a lot of time studying radio and radio, um, you know, talent as well. And one of the number one singles radio, you know, live radio, uh, hosts or, or talent get they see when people are turning the dial. And so now they know we’re going to do a ratings hit in five minutes. You know, you don’t want them to lose people, keep them engaged.

So they’re like radio hosts. I mean, they’re hustling, they’re, they’re hustling to keep, they know the value of saying something really exciting. That’s coming up in five minutes and then 10 minutes, because you know, a lot of people like say, well, podcasts, Oh, there’s so [00:20:00] many boring ones. It’s so hard to find a good one.

Well, you know, that’s not necessarily the by anyone’s fault. I think every podcaster has a lot of potential, a lot to say, and a lot of talent. But I don’t think they’re getting the right signals back to really shine, to be their best self. Right. They’re not seeing how people are engaging around their content.

All they know is someone’s downloaded it, but they don’t know what they’re doing. So it’s incredibly difficult. Absolutely. And I mean, it’s, it’s fascinating to me because five years ago there were less than 350,000 podcasts on Apple podcasts. Now there’s over 1.7, 5 million podcasts and. Yeah. Or a month.

It’s crazy. Yeah. The level of growth exponentially that, that reflects is not proportionate to the level of growth in terms of doing exactly what it is that you’re saying, getting those analytics so that you can trigger those moments that you can improve upon or delete or change or rethink. Or mad [00:21:00] or, you know, there so many insights that could come from the type of data that you’re providing.

That’s huge because to your point, it wins for the brands who want to be engaged with the podcasters audience, but the podcast or becomes a better podcast, or if they have that level of feedback. So I really applaud you. Having that integrated into your platform. Yeah, I really, you know, our, our thing is it’s like you got, you know, we wanna, we want you to keep your audience engaged and we w we will help you get discovered all day long, but that’s kind of all we can do, right?

Like we can facilitate all the discovery we can curate. We can highlight you. We can. You know, but, but it’s your job. Once we get someone to you, you gotta take over and you gotta be delivering goods. And so, you know, if we’re going to work our butts off to get you an audience, we’re going to, we want to help make sure that, you know, we’re, we’re, we’re sending people to the audience.

Yeah. Yeah. Find something great at the end of that funnel, that we’re, that we’re. [00:22:00] Casting. So, um, so yeah, so that, you know, that’s, uh, that’s just a, been a really guiding light for us. It’s like everything we do and we think of features, we’re like, well, how does this help a creator? It’s got to help a creator be either more discoverable or it’s got to help them get better.

Right. And, and it’s, and, and, and w well, I, there’s a third, a third there where it’s. Some of our features. We want to keep people coming back like w w w someone listen to you and they love you. Well, they might forget about you two days later, you know, how noisy the internet is. So we’re making lots of hooks in to get people, you know, continuously coming back to you.

So that’s kind of our three guiding lights. When you, when, when you think about how we’re, how we’re, um, building out our feature sets and how we prioritize. And, um, you know, I just can’t, can’t say enough about how important it is to get people all aggregated in one place and all engaging in one place, because.

You also get things like, Oh, I can see my share counts. Now my total listen counts. Like I can see this, this episode got way more listens in this [00:23:00] episode. If you, if you have your content spread across, you know, a hundred different platforms, it’s going to be very difficult for you to get a holistic view of what’s really working and what’s not.

Not necessarily true for the big stars there, they have really big numbers, you know, usually aggregated all around, like an Apple or a Spotify or, you know, like that.

Yeah. And a lot of times people don’t really take into consideration that those people arrive to the podcasting space with really large audiences. So all they did was take that audience that they brought with them and elevate. Them with their podcast. Whereas if you’re an Indy podcaster, you may not have the luxury of, to your point, a big media team behind you, or an already existing hundred thousand million followers that you brought the podcast to them.

You didn’t have to bring them to the podcast. And so what you’re doing for. The people who are starting out growing shows, get you’re setting them up for success in a way that none of the other platforms that [00:24:00] I know of or doing anything remotely like that at all. Yeah. We let you take over. It’s like, what is Spotify?

What do you think about what a Spotify or Apple really do for you? If you’re, if you’re not a major star that they’re trying to sign on to an exclusive contract, right? What are they really doing for you? They’re just. Sucking in your data, they’re just piling you on an Academy for free. That usually isn’t that like accurate, right?

A lot of time. What do you even think about categorization? We spent months coming up with our taxonomy. I mean, we’ve. We’ve gotten high and low. We, we still adding sub categories every day because we find a new niche, little subject that we, that we dig out of a big, you know, Adam and RSS ingestion or something.

So, so we’re, we’re very interested in yes, like, like how actually we’re working for the creators. And, and then we also, you know, I, Spotify and Apple don’t give you any kind of incentive to grow there. You know, you’re just helping their business grow. They’re not giving you a carrot that says, Hey, If you bring enough subscribers, [00:25:00] we’re going to share some of this.

Well, some of this ad revenue we have like on Spotify as a public company, making billions of dollars a year, maybe not profitable, but they are making billions. Um, but they’re not, they’re not looking to pay out any creators that are helping them build their billion dollar business. And, you know, it, it always upsets me because I, I, we, we do have some naysayers in the podcasting, uh, community, of course.

Who, why are you publishing RSS? I don’t want it there. We’re like, fine. We’ll take it down. We just adjusted it from iTunes. We’re not hosting it hosting. It don’t worry, but I don’t want it there. I like Apple and Spotify. And these are like very small time podcasters. And I’m like, well, what are they really doing for you?

Why don’t, why are you, why don’t you want more audiences? Like, you know, where, where you could find it. So there’s a little bit of a misperception. Yeah. That like they’re doing something for them that you know, is going to help them. And I’m not exactly sure what people are thinking they’re doing for them, but they’re not even getting power to control your, [00:26:00] your narrative on the platform.

You can’t even. Change the descriptions, right? For the local audience there. And on those platforms, you just have to put it all on your, you know, anchor or your whatever pot, you know, my megaphone, whatever. And that’s just one six, and you don’t get to make changes to talk to that audience on that platform.

So. Well, as we begin to wrap up, um, let’s pivot to how a podcaster can make the most of your platform. Where did they go? How did they join? How did they sign up? Because we want to drive through, uh, produce your podcast and pod having all of the other podcasts or communities that we distribute this amazing video to.

We want all of the podcasters watching this. To go to verbal and activate their station. Can you do a quick snapshot with us of, uh, how that what’s the easiest best way for them to get involved? Sure. So why go to the, go to search for your podcasts? It is most likely there, [00:27:00] if it’s US-based English language, um, we have ingested and organized about 700,000 English language podcasts, um, as of today.

So your podcast is probably published there. Don’t worry. We’re not hosting the media. You’re still getting download counts from your third party. If you just ingest your RSS feed the same way any other platform does. But what we, if you find it, that’s great, you can claim it. And when you claim it, that’s when we can stream it for you at your discretion, we don’t have to stream it.

We prefer to stream it. You decide on that one. Um, you can then also change all of the titles. You can put your own custom art. We have the, you know, like basically banners that you can customize and you can link to other stations. You like. And you can really set up a whole world there for yourself.

Starting. We were having YouTubers and podcasters coming on, like by the hundreds right now every day. And they are really going all in on, on playlist so they can start to showcase their entire library through playlisting. [00:28:00] So dream sounds is a great example. If you guys like sleep sounds, you can go see what dream sounds is doing with our station.

They’ve created dozens of different playlists for all types of sleep sounds. So if you like to sleep to run, they’ve got whole rain compilation. If you like piano music, and they’ve just, they’ve done a great job of showcasing all the different things they have through playlisting and they’re, they’re starting to promote us to their YouTube audience.

So I would follow their lead. They’re doing a great job, but you have to claim there’s a whole process. You just click on the link. You fill out a form. If you don’t see your podcast on our that’s no problem either. Send an email to creators at verbal and or you also go to our help page. You just go to our FAQ on our website.

And we will take your RSS feed. We’ll ingest it on the back end. It’ll be live within minutes basically. And then we will assign it to your user account so you can edit it. So it’s really easy to get your podcasts going. If you’re, if you also have YouTube content, we can actually join all of your, we take YouTube video and we strip the audio out.

[00:29:00] And we’ll we’ll, we can mix that in with your podcast content. So being different on YouTube than you distributed in your podcast feed we’ve, we’re joining those for some people, and it’s really fun for them, right? Because now they can have everything they’ve ever produced in one place and they can make playlists out of both.

So they can do some YouTube mixed with some of their podcasts mixed with some snippets that highlight some of their great moments in the past. So people are really having fun with the playlist feature and yeah. So, and then, so you can have your YouTube, your podcast together, and then you can upload, you know, some thoughts every day, if you want it’s we make it really easy for you to get your voice out there.

And that’s really what it’s all about. I just think everything about this is so fantastic. So one thing I just want to be sure that we do is make sure we spell the domain for verbal. So why don’t you give that a shout out so that we make sure we send them to the absolute right place? V U R B. So  dot com.

Yeah. So, so it’s like, you know, it sounds like verbal the verb, [00:30:00] but, but we played, we played with the letters a little bit and you know, the way you can think of it as, yes, we’re, we’re very much focused on spoken word and people’s voice and elevating thought and elevating, you know, Inspiration and things like that.

So it’s all about verbal, you know, using your voice, but it’s also about reverb. So taking new derivatives right from your, from your podcast. So if you think about snippets, we’re, we’re kind of playing with the reverb angle on, on like the mixing derivative kind of works from your, from your main content.

So your main audio, so yeah. Kind of plays into. Yeah. So V U R B Audra. This has been so informative and really motivating to get. I know for us, we’re going to make sure that we get, get it out there and get as many podcasts are signed up because you are I solutions provider, which for creators is just heavenly.

It really, really is. And you’re clearly done. So many things to build this out. I can’t wait to [00:31:00] see it continue to grow at the continued pace it’s growing. And maybe when you guys go live, we’ll have you back for another update and you can share how things are going then. But until then it sounds like you have your plate full.

Yes, we were. We’re getting buried, but we love it. And just one, I just want to do one little plug. We’re going to be doing an AMA and a demo, a product demo. On a zoom, uh, we’ll be doing, we’ll be announcing that if you’re not signed up for the platform, sign up, we’ll get you an email. Um, we’re, we’ll be doing demos, I think next Thursday.

And so we do an hour long. I’ll do a 15 minute demo, how to set up your station, how to really make it shine. And then we’ll have questions from the audience. And we’ve actually had some great discussions on clubhouse and on zooms about, you know, so I really encourage everyone who wants to really blow out their verbal station to join that.

Okay, great. And we’ll make sure that we, um, if you’ll send me that link, we’ll make sure we get it in the show notes and everything else. So, yeah, definitely. Well, I really [00:32:00] appreciate you taking the time out of what I know is an incredibly busy schedule to introduce us to verbal and tell us everything that you guys have going on.

Super excited about it and just wish you every success. Thank you so much, Tracy. I really appreciate it. And I’m so glad that we got to connect and we will be in touch of course, a lot in the culture. You have a lifetime fan, so don’t worry if you need us. Thank you. Thank you. Bye.

Yeah, we made it and we didn’t have any interruptions. I love it. Well, yeah. Thanks Keith. Um, can Paul send me that link or it’s putting up the invites? I think the invites might be going out today. Uh, they should be going out today, so yeah, I’ll get the link for you and I really appreciate it. Thanks. We we’ve really enjoyed these AMS.

We [00:33:00] get a lot of great feedback from the audience, but we’ve also been able to help a lot of people. So it’s, it’s pretty awesome. Great. Okay. Well, and if you ever need any guest appearances on that, just let me know. I’m happy to jump in and help out. I love that anytime. Yeah. If we’re dug in podcasting, I have we’re getting, so we’re going to start doing clubhouse stuff too.

I don’t know. Are you on clubhouse? Yes, I’m on, I’m on it. I have been, I’m such that she make her with no shoes I’ve been telling and teaching everybody else and making sure that they’re getting on clubhouse. And I haven’t really been as active as I could be because of time, but yeah, I’m definitely on it and we’ll be getting more involved with it.

I’d love to have you and you know, Harry Duran, do you know Jackie? Yeah. He’s working with us, um, as an advisor. And so I would love to have the two of you. Yeah, the other two fit together. You guys are pretty much everything you need, right. To get started to do, to do a great podcast. So I would love [00:34:00] to have the two of you together at any time.

It’s totally great. I would love that. Thank you.